Wilmington DSA once again partnered with Sokoto House to host a brake light clinic in downtown Wilmington. Our comrades at Liberate ILM brought food for all and we had a number of interactions with members of the community who had been involved in personal interactions with local police. One of our visitors shared a heartbreaking story about her husband, who is hearing-impaired, and the harassment he received by the police for a broken taillamp when he did not immediately pull over because he did not hear the squad car siren and subsequently could not understand the officers yelling at him. It is these kinds of experiences that create trauma within the community and highlight the reason that we host these kinds of events. Nobody should be harassed and threatened with violence because of an equipment issue, and the police should not relate to the community through violent authority.
Our next Brake Light Clinic will be on January 22, 2022 at Lighthouse Films in Northside Wilmington.