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“Fascism and Social Revolution” Reading Group Starts on Thursday!

Join us for a four-part discussion of the R. Palme Dutt text, “Fascism and Social Revolution.” This book was written in 1934 and through the text we intend to learn how capitalism creates crisis, how the crisis creates fascism, how we can analyze fascism, and why socialism is the only peaceful solution to the crisis. This is an extremely relevant text to our present moment and will help us in our own understanding and when talking to others about the current situation.

For the first session, we are reading selections from Chapter 1 and 2. We’ve selected the most essential parts of this book and reduced the page count by half. This is intended to make the reading more accessible for attendees but it is encouraged to read the entire two chapters if you can!

Reading selections:

Chapter 1, Technique and Revolution Section 1 – 4 (pg. 21-45)
Chapter 2, The End of Stabilization Sections 1 – 2 (pg. 46-57)

Refer to the study guide for relevant reading resources and guiding questions and discussion:

Register for the virtual reading group: CLICK HERE