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Wilmington DSA Statement on Anti-Trans Legislation

Wilmington Democratic Socialists of America condemns, in the strongest terms, HR 10186, the so-called “Mace Bill,” designed specifically to discriminate against transgender employees of the federal government by restricting bathroom access. WDSA recognizes that this bill is part of a larger trend aimed at breeding hatred against a marginalized group, targeting democratic Congresswoman Sarah McBride, and further dividing the American working class. Some assume the tide of anti-trans sentiment in this country is propelled by personal bigotry. This ignores the backdrop of this prejudiced trend, rising in response to growing class consciousness. As displeasure with American corporatism grows, ideologues who fear class war force culture war issues into the mainstream. HR 10186 stands as a prime example. It attempts to make Americans concerned with their neighbor’s genitals despite the deeply weird connotations. Representative Nancy Mace appears more interested in using slurs against protestors than substantive policy. She seems eager to stir up divisions rather than address the genuine concerns of the working class. Unfortunately, such bizarre bills will become more common and serious as time passes, requiring a unified response. We call on all North Carolina representatives to speak out forcefully against this bill. North Carolina once answered the call to strike down the largely reviled “bathroom bill,” and can do so again. The Democratic Socialists of America stands with our trans community, and we urge all to speak out and do the same. However, it is unlikely that words alone can reverse these attempts to use transgender people as a distraction from the failings of American capitalism.

Anti-transgender bigotry will not be defeated by Republican fearmongering or Democratic class-blind liberalism but by grassroots working-class parties such as the Democratic Socialists of America. We call on all progressive people to join in building this party and forming a more committed front against bigotry and for working-class interests.